Tomohisha Yamashita #山下智久 Birthday Wishes Page

Tomo is a Japanese singer, model, actor. His birthday is April 9th and he will be turning 39!

#iheartjrock will celebrate on 4/13 !!

#iheartjrock has a #TsuyoshiDomoto birthday wish page. A #SixTONES members birthday wish page. Now we continue with #山P

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66 thoughts on “Tomohisha Yamashita #山下智久 Birthday Wishes Page

  1. TOMO 💜
    Happy Birthday to you 🎂
    I respect TOMO, who is always humble and ambitious.I will continue to support you.

  2. 給一直很努力的智久❤️
    希望你持續發光發熱 我們粉絲會永遠支持你
    總會帶給我們很大的能量 謝謝你

  3. Dear Tomo

    Happy Birthday!
    Your acting, your singing, your words, your challenges, your attitudes: all of your gifts give me happiness, pleasure, courage, power and inspiration. I thank you on your birthday, as always, for being yourself as an artist. I wish you health, happiness and success. I believe your dreams will come true!!!

  4. やまぴー💜38歳のお誕生日おめでとうございます🎉🎊これからも沢山忘れられない思い出を作っていってね。楽しい瞬間を少しでも多く重ねられたらなって思っています。

  5. My ever dearest Tomo,

    First of all thank you for being born, we fans are fascinated with your acting skills, dancing and ofcourse singing!🥰 I wish you all the best on your upcoming birthday 🎉🎂🎁💙

    I will support you all the way! We fans love you so so much! Thanks you for your existence! 💙💙💙

  6. My dearest Tomo,

    Today 0409, I am wishing you a happy happy birthday 🎉🎂🥳💙.

    Thank you for your existence, I am a silent fan of yours from Philippines, and I will rooting for you all the way till the end…. More birthdays and success in your career…. All the best 💕🥰💙💙💙

  7. Happy 39th birthday to Tomo 🎉🌹🎉
    The drama starring Tomo “Blue Moment” will begin broadcasting. I’m really looking forward to it. 💙
    I hope this year will be a year of further progress for you. ✨
    I will continue to support you.
    I love Tomo, Yamapi, 山P💕💕💕

  8. Happy Birthday to TOMO🎂
    May your life ahead be filled with love, success and happiness🩷
    Thanks for always leading us to your wonderful dream world.

  9. やまぴー山下智久さん

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